Thursday, July 31, 2008

YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS: Click here to purchase your tickets. This event will be open to EVERYONE IN SOUTNWEST FLORIDA!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thank you parents and Parent University!

Thank you very much to Mrs. Kelly Richards, volunteers and all the parents who purchased clothing at the July Used Uniform Sale - $1950.00 was raised to go towards the Financial Aid Program. Donated uniforms help you - your money helps students attend FMCS - great progam!

We welcome our new math teacher!

FMCS is pleased to welcome Mr. Jonathan Blikstad as our new 6th-8th grade math teacher. Mr. Blikstad is certified in math in the state of Florida and has taught math over the last four years at Cape High School. Mr. Blikstad is also a pastor and God greatly used him as a witness to the students and teachers. We welcome Mr. Blikstad, his wife and 12 children (yes, 12). We look forward to the upcoming school year and Mr. Blikstad will have a good idea on how to best prepare our middle schoolers for high school!

Mr. Mitchell