Saturday, February 7, 2009

Great Night at First Assembly: WAY-FM Concert Rocks and Packs the House!

A sold out crowd had a great time Friday night at the WAY-FM concert at First Assembly of God. The school and church partnered with WAY-FM and World Vision to provide a great night with Sanctus Real, Matthew West and Jason Gray. Their music and words blessed us, challenged us, and invited us to strengthen our faith in Christ!

I want to give a HUGE thanks to Colleen Marinello for all of her hard work coordinating the concert with the school, church and WAY-FM! Thanks to Brian Finger for setting this concert up for us months ago!

A THOUSAND thanks to the team effort of First Assembly staff and FMCS's staff, faculty, school board and parents who volunteered in many different areas before, during and after the concert.

WHAT A BLESSING to hear the comments from WAY-FM and each of the concert groups on how they were treated by the church and school! Jason Gray even bragged about Mary Snyder's food from the stage during the concert!!!!

I am not sure what the final count was but at one point over 61 African children were sponsored at the concert through Worldvision!

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