Saturday, February 7, 2009

Over 70 Dads and Daughters Enjoy Breakfast Together!

After a great WAY-FM Concert Friday, I had a great morning back at the school with our first Parent University Dads and Daughters breakfast. We had a great turnout - over 70 dads and daughters - enjoyed pancakes, sausage, bacon, OJ and coffee! We packed out the Children's Center cafeteria and then made our way over to the Kidztown chapel and a special message from Pastor Dave Richards on becoming Superdads! He took the word "hero" and challenged us to make sure we do four things with our daughters:

H - hugs

E - encourage

R - recreation

O - observe

I want to thank our donor for providing the funds to pay for an outstanding breakfast from Rene's Catering, Pastor David for the message, and my volunteers who did a great job: Joan Faux, Nancy Romstadt, Wendy Fulton, Joni Schopke and Courtney Schokpe. (I also want to thank my daughter Robin for helping me also)

The Father/Son breakfast is coming March 7, 2009. If we have anyone that would like to volunteer to help, email me at

I want to continue to encourage the dads to plug into (even moms should check out

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