Friday, February 6, 2009

FMCS and Grant Writing News

When Pastor Brian Finger was with us at the start of the year, we was very instrumental in helping us get the assistance of a professional grant writer to help us at the school. We would like to introduce to you Mrs. Mindy Hoeth to help you find out who she is, understand how this process works and let you know how to pray for funds for FMCS:

My name is Mindy Hoeth and I'm blessed to be working with FMCS. I'm a member of First Assembly of God, volunteer as Dean of Students at Fort Myers Master's Commission, and serve in various ministries within the church. Pastor Finger asked me, last year, if I'd be interested in working with FMCS to identify grant resources. I immediately said "Yes", as I'm a fan of the school, but more so - believe in and support Christian education. I'm grateful to Pastor Finger - a mighty man of God and a man I'm honored to call friend.

After Pastor Finger's departure, I was uncertain as to how we would proceed. However, after meeting with Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Ryba, and Mrs. O'Brien a few weeks ago, we decided to proceed in the grant identification, grant writing, and grant administration process - and as they say in the movies, the rest is history! I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with such an esteemed group of people and looking forward to meeting teachers, parents, students, and other important stakeholders as I undertake the grant writing phase.

The grant identification phase is complete and I'm now in the process of relationship building with Foundations and the actual grant writing. Please pray that God opens the doors to the right people and the right people are receptive. As I continue to build these relationships, pray that our needs meet their scope of giving; i.e. our priorities are programs they will fund. Please pray that the information required is easily accessible and that God anoints my writing.

These are tenuous times in the grant-making and grant-seeking industry. Many Foundations' funds have been severely impacted due to the financial crisis. Many are freezing their giving for two or three grant cycles. All Foundations are being more selective than ever in granting monies only to programs and organizations that meet their scope -- to a "t". Some Foundations have been so severely impacted that they have been forced to shut down. It's vital that we all understand what we're facing as we seek money in a day and time of economic turmoil. I'm not ignoring the reality of the situation but I'm choosing to keep my eye on my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who tells me that "All things are possible to those who believe" - and I believe.

I appreciate your support and prayers . . . there is power in prayer.

FMCS is blessed and thankful to have Mindy with us - we will continue to support and pray for her as she looks for grants to help us improve our technology, supplemental academic programs, playgrounds, programs, and find opportunities to help our teachers in their professional development. Look for more of her updates in the future as news breaks in this area...

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