Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mexico - April 11

Another busy day with two services! First we visited Mision Con Vision Children's Home - an orphanage of 30 children. What a great time we had! Dr. John and Kim Richards applied sealants to the kid's teeth in order to help them last longer. He also helped them by passing out toothbrushes, dental floss and showing them how to use it. There were adults and students that we able to pitch in and assist. While the medical mission was taking place, the students were doing what kids do best - playing! It was great for the children in the orphanage - many of them coming from abused and broken homes - to have someone that would love them and spend time with them. They were able to play on the playground, soccer, and other games. After that time was over, we did a full service for them and prayed over each one of them. We had a great time - our kids were pretty worn out!

Our second service took place at a church that we partnered with last year - Cristo La Roca. Last year, we did our service from a basketball court a few blocks from the church. This year the service was held right at the Assemblies of God church. It was not only our privilege to do the entire service but add a special request - Pastor Lucas was asked "last minute" to be "in season" and preach a sermon to the church! He did a great job speaking on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, used a few of our kids to illustrate, and challenged both the English and Spanish speaking to service for the Lord. It was his first sermon of his life on foreign soil and his first with a translator - we are proud of Pastor Lucas. The kids did another great job in being used by the Lord to reach the people through puppets, dramas, testimonies and clowns. We probably had about 50-60 people attend the service in the small church! Testimonies given by Alexus Medinis, Hannah Couch, Caleb Vigil and Chase Fulton.

More pictures - click here

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