Friday, April 11, 2008

Mexico - April 10

"Our first day of ministry was a great start. We did two, really 3 services. In the morning, we did a short service for kids 7 and under before they left for a free lunch from the church. Then we continued with more of the service for the older kids. The leader of the ministry in that area told us that, on the average, the girls in this area are pregnant and out of school by the age 13.
In the evening, we crammed over 100 people into a small area outside but they enjoyed every part of the service. It is so amazing to go into an area and hardly see anyone outside - BUT then we hit the streets, take the clowns and God gives us SO MUCH favor with those kids and adults! The Pastor told us that he had never seen more than 50 people come to his church - UNTIL TONIGHT! Testimonies were given by Krystal Richards, Brenna Hambsch, Rachelle Radford, and Derek Anderson. At the conclusion of the services, Christi Kellogg and Derek Anderson have stepped up to the microphone and led the crowds in the sinner’s prayer that they learned in Spanish. (Senora Rivera would be proud). Our group had a very good start to the trip - windy or not, God still moves!"
More pictures - click here

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