Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mexico - April12

This morning is the time that we shop for souvenirs at the Market Place in downtown Juarez. It is a time for the kids to buy things for family, friends, and themselves - mostly things that may turn colors or stop working by the time we leave the county.

This afternoon we traveled to Lisa Hernandez's church in Anapra, an area west of Juarez, lots of poverty and growing. We had about 60 children attend the service after inviting them to come. A couple of our team members, Leo Hinkley and Kim Richards, were able to see kids that they had spent time with them the last time they were here! You can get more information on her ministry at Testimonies were given by Christi Kellogg and Katie Edwards. At each service we have been able to distribute kids bibles and bibles to adults, or we left them to support the local church. (they will pass them out to those that need it the most) Lisa shared her testimony of faith, hearing from God and obedience about how a "common girl" from the US. that could not speak Spanish, could be used by God in Mexico!

When we returned, Tim Gamble spoke a message about his faith in God, obedience and what God has him do in the church that we first ministered to on April 10th.

Tonight, Edwin Rivera is explaining about the calling God has on his life and his family's. You can get more information at

Last night we shared verses in 2 Timothy about the DISCIPLINE needed to be a follower of Christ - 3 examples in scripture are of a soldier, athlete and farmer. Today, in a plan totally orchestrated by God, they had great challenges shared by 3 missionaries - Lisa Hernandez, Tim Gamble and Edwin Rivera. We did not plan on those 3 heroes of the faith to talk with the kids today - I really feel that God is speaking to someone on this team to do something totally out of their comfort zone and do GREAT THINGS FOR GOD, maybe on the mission field someday!!!! Pray for our team - one more day tomorrow before we cross the border Monday!

More pictures - click here

1 comment:

  1. I hope u guys r having a grand time! its looks like it to me! well I miss you all and I'll see y'all soon!

