Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well Done Awards Part 2

Arriving at The Grove for tonight's program!

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Well Done Awards Part One

Mr. Mitchell gets to share how God has been using students and parents at FMCS!
Mr. Mitchell and the Kingdom Assignment founders, Denny and Lee Bellesi

The Mitchell's with American Idol finalist, Phil Stacey and his wife

An awesome location for the evening

Tonight we had the opportunity to attend a dinner in San Juan Capistrano for all the ministries highlighted for tomorrow night's Well Done Awards in Anaheim, Ca. At first, we were in awe with the home of the our hosts. But as the night wore on, I was even more in awe of all the stories from every ministry. It is amazing to see what God is doing at FMCS and ministries around the world. We had reports from Tasmania, Canada, Bosnia, Connecticut, Texas, Michigan and more. We had great testimonies of how used crayons can be used in a Kingdom Assignment to help people with cancer; a girl's who was ready to step on a land mine or step in front of a sniper's bullet in Bosnia because of the hell she was living in during their war and how a Christmas Shoebox changed her plans and led her to the Lord; how former American Idol finalist, Phil Stacey is being used by the Lord; and how a Kingdom Assignment in Australia provides cars for single mothers; and SO MUCH MORE! Looking forward to the awards tomorrow night!
New article from local newspaper: click here

Friday, May 29, 2009

851 & Counting!

Congratulations to the class of 2009! That makes 851 graduates over 30 years at FMCS! Many thanks to Pastor Jeff Leatherman and Pastor Brandon Strickler of First Assembly of God KAIO youth ministries for their participation tonight and for the gift of a new bible for each graduate.

Pastor Jeff leads a commissioning prayer for our "missionaries" headed to the high school mission field

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chess Club Completes Great Year!

Many thanks to Mr. Frank Jean, Mr. Sanabria and Mrs. Harriott for a great year in chess club at FMCS. This after school activity, called the Knights of Light, combined chess with faith-based, biblical lessons about putting on the full armor of God.

Today Mr. Jean passed out awards to the 08-09 Knights of Light graduates: Joshua Harriott, Tristan Upton, Alex Sanabria, Nicholas Sanabria, Carsyn Baxter, Jonathan Joyce, Alex Bryant, Payton Stockman, Hannah Upton, Marcus Finger, Alec Coval, Leyton Harrington, Kaleb Harriott, Dylan Tansacha, Josiah Richards, Ethan Leatherman, Evan Johnston and Michael Bryant.


Math Pals

Another cool program at FMCS is "math pals." This is a partnership in math between Mrs. Jean's PK3 students and Mrs. Sanders's 4th graders. Today lesson was on simple machines with stations and work projects. Great lessons in math, science, and teamwork!

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Another great night provided by Mrs. Smith, Miss Blanden and our kindergarten graduates of 2009! We had a special presentation and a surprise visitor that I will bring up in an upcoming be continued

Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

A Welcome Visitor

Mrs. Margarita Rivera, who we have been praying for since her stroke in December, came by for the first time today! We tried to get her around to as many classses as possible and she was blessed by the smiles, hugs and prayers. She has come a long way and continues to improve in speech and movement in her right arm. Thank you for your continued prayers. (Mr. and Mrs. Rivera pictured)

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hero Tea Party

Where can you find such heroes as Jackie Robinson, George Washington Carver, Elvis, Dan Marino, and Abraham Lincoln? The annual fourth grade hero tea party!

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Friday, May 22, 2009

SPECIAL Science Demonstrations

We had a special guest in 4th and 5th grade yesterday - Jessica Hoefs, Program Director at Brain Brigade. The 4th grade discussed polymers, molecules and made slime. The 5th graders worked on water rockets! I would encouarge you to check out her summer camps. She is interested in having an after-school Science Club at FMCS next year! Be sure to check out:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And a Child Shall Lead Them

Not Pastor David, but the PK4 students that led chapel today with Pastor David! Great job boys and girls!

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Special Award For FMCS in California

On Sunday, May 31st, Ft. Myers Christian School, along with eight churches (which include churches from Australia, Tasmania, Canada) and one individual will be honored and recognized at the third annual Well Done Awards at the Grove in Anaheim, California. The words WELL DONE are taken from the Kingdom Assignment founding verses in Matthew 25:14-30 when Jesus told the story of the "Parable of the Talents" saying "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things". Over the past five years, Ft. Myers Christian School students and families have raised over $46,000 with the Kingdom Assignment fundraiser for our financial assistance fund! When they found out what you have been doing, they thought it was pretty awesome! You can get more details here. Guests include Previous American Idol contestant, Phil Stacey, iCarly's Nathan Kress and Noah Munck, Champion Tri-Athlete Scott Rigsby and Arthur Blessitt the man behind the movie "The Cross".

Go West Missions Team!

Many thanks to Pastor Corey Baker and First Assembly of God West in Cape Coral for allowing us to come over and give a report on the 8th missions trip to Corpus Christi. Jordan and Dorothy Gulbronson gave a report and thanked their home church for their support. West is a friendly and growing church and it was a blessing to hear Pastor Baker speak.

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Friday, May 15, 2009

Preschool Art and Music Program

I was very proud today to see all the great artwork from our preschoolers in the hallways and seeing them sing and minister to our familes. They did a great job! I am also blessed to see the teamwork of gifted and called teachers, teacher aides, and student teacher aides helping the students and parents make it through a year of preschool. Here is a video clip and pictures. (more pictures are on the Blog slideshow).

Miss Blanden's Bible Character's

David and Goliath!
Daniel in the lion's den!

Jesus and his disciples

Today, Miss Blanden's kindergarten class was host to bible characters who came alive for friends and families to see!

Faculty vs. Sixth Grade Basketball With A Purpose

The sixth grade local missions outreach this year was been to support the American Heart Association. On Thursday we had a benefit fundraiser game with the faculty playing the sixth grade - many thanks to Miss Issenmann (our PE teacher pictured above...sort of) & Mr. Sinex for putting that together. We had a great time and a good crowd that helped us raise $233.17 - admissions and bake sales items. A total team effort - the faculty won but the American Heart Association and other will benefit more!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Second Grade Chapel Day

The winning class from the Coin Drive was Mrs. Collins second grade class. Their prize - to lead chapel! They did a great job today. Be sure to click on the video below and see them lead worship:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lunch with the Principal

Back in the October Silent Auction, one of the prizes up for bids was "Lunch With The Principal" at Arizona Pizza. I bid on it - and I won! So I was able to build a list of students to go with Mrs. Mitchell and I to lunch today. We had these outstanding students:

- Accelerated Reader student who won the Lunch with the Principal prize (over 200 pts this year): Ana Laura Floriano (has over 400 pts), McKenzie Owens, Sarah Swiersz, Blair Colbert
- FGCU Art Award winner: Parker Wunderlich
- Top Three Middle School Spellin Bee winners: Jordan Gulbronson, Maria Swiersz, Taylor Rezzatano
- ACSI Creative Writing Contest top three: Olivia Bissell, Celine Gulbronson and Robin Mitchell
- Middle School Science Fair winner: Zach Liebetreu
- ACSI Spelling Bee standouts: Laura Gequelin and Sarah Swiersz
- Lee County Do the Right Thing winner - Tyler Williams

Many thanks to the management of Arizona Pizza (corner of Winkler and Gladiolus) for the great pizza and ice cream!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Award Winning Art Students

From our Art teacher, Sue Sinex:

The ASCI Art Festival was held Friday, May 1st, at Jupiter Christian School in Jupiter, Florida.
These schools participated in the Art Festival:

Berean Christian School
Peace Christian Academy
Excelsior Preparatory School
Seacoast Christian Academy
First Baptist Academy
The Master’s Academy
Florida Bible Christian School
Trinity Christian Academy
Ft. Myers Christian School
Trinity Christian School, Apopka
Jupiter Christian School
Trinity Christian School, PBG
Ocala Christian School
Weston Christian School

All of the students listed below participated in the art festival. Each piece of art was scored by three judges. The average of the three scores determined their rating of superior, excellent or good.

Superior Rating (blue ribbons)
Celina Interbartolo
Nicholas Sanabria
Lauren Hearn
Emily Krieger
Morgan Tyson
Blair Colbert
Daniella Andrade
Ashley Turetzkin
Robert Rose
Evan Johnson

Excellent Rating (red ribbons)
Abigail King
Daniel Betzer
Elizabeth Woods
Christina Walch
Payton Stockman
Laura Gequelin
Holly Branthoover
Jada Lasauro

Good Rating (white ribbon)
Jared Horowitz

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Elementary Track Meet

While the choir was competing in Orlando, the elementary track meet was held at Cape High School this year. Many thanks to Cape High, Coach Hariott, Coach Sanabria, all of our parents and hard running students for a great day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Middle School Chorus Wins

Mrs. Gulbronson's middle school chorus traveled to Orlando for the Music in the Park competition. You are looking at the First Place Middle School Mixed Choir IAAA division. CONGRATULATIONS!

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Friday, May 8, 2009

PK3 Adventure!

Camping PK3 style with Mrs. Jean and Mrs. Sweirsz! They even had smores!

-- Post From Mr. Mitchell's iPhone

Monday, May 4, 2009

Where Does Your Chapel Money Go?

On our website, we have a list of where your chapel dollars go each year. Today, we received a letter from Pablo Duarte, 6th grader, from Paraguay - you support him each month with food, shelter, clothing and school. THANK YOU! This would be great to show your kids. (Picture at the top, his writing in Spanish and the translation at the bottom. You should be able to click on the letter from the blog to enlarge it).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Great Events, Three Days: 2009 FMCS Golf Tournament

Three generations of golfers: right to left, 6th grader, Daniel Betzer; his dad, David Betzer;
and his grandfather, Pastor Dan Betzer

FMCS Golf team sisters: Kaitlin Schafe with a practice swing (8th) and Brooke Schafe (7th)

A great lunch follows the golfing!

The end of our three busy days of great events ended today with our annual golf tournament at The Forest Golf Club. We want to thank the 76 golfers that joined us today - we had an excellent turnout on a beautiful day. Many thanks to The Forest - first class all the way! And to Colleen Marinello, Sissy Felice, John Ryba and all our volunteers - including alumni, Christine O'Brien, who is faithful to join us every year.
Congratulations to the top three teams:
Third: Pastor Dan Betzer, David Betzer, Joe Micale, and Chocky Warriner
Second: Charlie Fulton, Ash Fulton, Butch Fulton and Randy Cline

First Place: Bill Miller, Bill O'Connell, Jeff Hemenway, and Gene Taylor


Friday, May 1, 2009

Field Day Salute to Heroes

THREE CHEERS TO OUR PE TEACHER, MISS ISSENMANN! We had a great field day today! What was new this year were several guests that made the day memorable for our children and adults:
- Fire Department - they had the hoses and let the kids spray water and get wet, plus take a tour of the fire truck; fireman dress-up relay
- EMT-Ambulance - it was great to see alumni, Eddie Zarick who took the kids through a relay race with rubber gloves, neck braces, three legged race and the body board carry.
- Sheriff-K9 Unit featuring german shepherd, Maverick and one of our parents, Lt. Ramsey
- Sheriff's Department with a law enforcemnent display
- Habitat for Humanity - the kids were able to sign boards that will be used when houses are built
- WAY-FM van was here with great Christian music!

Many thanks to all the volunteers, teachers and kids - make sure you check out all the pictures on the blog slideshow.