Sunday, May 17, 2009

Special Award For FMCS in California

On Sunday, May 31st, Ft. Myers Christian School, along with eight churches (which include churches from Australia, Tasmania, Canada) and one individual will be honored and recognized at the third annual Well Done Awards at the Grove in Anaheim, California. The words WELL DONE are taken from the Kingdom Assignment founding verses in Matthew 25:14-30 when Jesus told the story of the "Parable of the Talents" saying "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things". Over the past five years, Ft. Myers Christian School students and families have raised over $46,000 with the Kingdom Assignment fundraiser for our financial assistance fund! When they found out what you have been doing, they thought it was pretty awesome! You can get more details here. Guests include Previous American Idol contestant, Phil Stacey, iCarly's Nathan Kress and Noah Munck, Champion Tri-Athlete Scott Rigsby and Arthur Blessitt the man behind the movie "The Cross".

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