Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well Done Awards Part One

Mr. Mitchell gets to share how God has been using students and parents at FMCS!
Mr. Mitchell and the Kingdom Assignment founders, Denny and Lee Bellesi

The Mitchell's with American Idol finalist, Phil Stacey and his wife

An awesome location for the evening

Tonight we had the opportunity to attend a dinner in San Juan Capistrano for all the ministries highlighted for tomorrow night's Well Done Awards in Anaheim, Ca. At first, we were in awe with the home of the our hosts. But as the night wore on, I was even more in awe of all the stories from every ministry. It is amazing to see what God is doing at FMCS and ministries around the world. We had reports from Tasmania, Canada, Bosnia, Connecticut, Texas, Michigan and more. We had great testimonies of how used crayons can be used in a Kingdom Assignment to help people with cancer; a girl's who was ready to step on a land mine or step in front of a sniper's bullet in Bosnia because of the hell she was living in during their war and how a Christmas Shoebox changed her plans and led her to the Lord; how former American Idol finalist, Phil Stacey is being used by the Lord; and how a Kingdom Assignment in Australia provides cars for single mothers; and SO MUCH MORE! Looking forward to the awards tomorrow night!
New article from local newspaper: click here

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