Wednesday, March 18, 2009

NOT MARCH MADNESS - Math Madness Week 2009

For the first time in school history our students in grades 2-6 had a full week of our new Accelerated Math program. Our 2008-09 PTF helped us purchase the program and helped us get it started. In our first year, the students have used the program once a WEEK BUT this past week they have had it every day! For those who struggle, a chance to work on skills; for those who are gifted in math, a chance to excel! Chick-Fil-A has sponsored this week with a free kids meal for every student. The teachers have done an excellent job and we appreciate volunteers that have helped as well.

Teachers have provided many incentives for the students hard work:
- Icee pops
- Extra recess
- A snack and free time at the end of the day
- Market Day tickets
- CANDY!!!
- Popcorn "party"
- Star stickers and incentive charts
- Pizza party
- "Super Student" award
- An animal eraser for every 2 objectives, certificate for 10 tokens at Chuckie Cheese for reaching week goal, and yesterday everyone in the class received a homework pass for the whole class passing at least one objective!

Teacher comments:
- "they're loving it"
- "They are SO excited every day to do this! They are cheering each other on for good scores and having a great attitude. "
- "They get so excited and yes, they have surprised me by wanting to keep going and cheering each other on; it is so much fun to watch them get excited about learning."
- They have really loved the challenges and are working to meet their goals. There is quite a competition in my room to see who will have the top objectives met.
- The kids are really enjoying it. (one of my students) told me yesterday that this is her favorite week of school so far!"

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