Wednesday, March 18, 2009

7th Grade - World Cultures Day!

( Even Mrs. Mitchell dressed up for Ireland!)

Mrs. Mitchell's 7th graders dressed up today representing a country that they were reporting on. They had a couple of stipulations: they must stay dressed in their country attire from the moment they get here in the am until they leave in the pm; and their costume must not, in any way, cause a distraction. (makes sense) The students did a great job with oral presentations, dress-up and food from their country!

During the day, the teachers and staff were encouraged to participate: "These students are ready for you to ask them about their country and tell you several interesting facts they learned about it. THEREFORE - Please feel free to ask away!!! AND - if you are impressed with their response and you are able, drop me an email and that student will be rewarded a bonus point!" Countries represented: Bulgaria, Thailand, Venezuela, Hungary, Argentina, Madagascar, Spain, Indonesia, Colombia, England, China, Vietnam, South Africa, Morocco, Cambodia, Australia, Belgium, Egypt, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and Poland.

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