Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fifth Grade Begins Student-led Conferences

A new and growing trend in education involves student-led conferences, replacing the traditional parent-teacher conferences. Education World states: "... the advantages, say most teachers who have participated in student-led conferences, outweigh the downside. Student accountability is mentioned again and again by educators as a plus for student-led conferences. Another plus is the way even a struggling student can produce something positive for a conference, an art project or an essay, perhaps, that wouldn't show up in a report card grade. Overall, talks with educators indicate, student-led conferences are a growing trend."

Mrs. Crouch, our fifth grade teacher, and her class just completed their first round of student-led conferences and states: "From my perspective, they went very well! I think there are a lot of benefits to letting the child take ownership for their work. The best part was the goal setting that they made with their parents at the end. Each student set goals..... to raise their math grade, make the AR party for next quarter, better behavior etc. and then the parent and I sign the page saying that we will encourage and assist the child to meet that goal."

-- Post From My iPhone

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