Thursday, October 30, 2008

7th grade Letters of Encouragement Reach South Africa

To all Fort Myers 7th grade students,

It was so cool to get all your letters the other day in the post. We so appreciate your enthusiasm, encouragement and scriptures which have spurred us on to continue to reach our city, Cape Town and beyond our borders, for Jesus!

We started the church, Joshua Generation Church, nearly 10 years ago and have seen it grow and flourish over the years as more and more people come to Jesus. We are made up of many people who love extreme sport as well as many young, old, creative, married, single and artistic people! Such an amazing bunch… you need to come visit!!!

Thanks so much for all your prayers. Continue to seek the things God is doing all across the world. It has enormously encouraged us.

Keep smiling and God Bless

Love Andrew and Emsie SelleyCape Town, South Africa

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