Thursday, October 30, 2008

D.C. Kids Coming Back to FMCS

Day 5 at JrNYLC: Voices of Change

Dear Mr. Mitchell, JrNYLC has been a week filled with adventure and learning. It is hard to believe that your students will return home tomorrow! Of course, we are keeping them busy on their journey of leadership until the end. Throughout the day, the scholars polished their newfound leadership skills with a presentation and discussion of their social project. In the evening, they watched Shackleton's Antarctic Adventures, an IMAX movie about Sir Ernest Shackleton's trans-Antarctic journey. Your students will end the night with a sleepover at the Maryland Science Center. To view today's slideshow, please visit Over just a few short days, your students have seen national monuments, experienced the story of John Brown at Harper's Ferry, participated in historical reenactments and delved into key leadership concepts. When you see them next, please ask them about their time at JrNYLC. I am certain that you will see young leaders who have gained maturity, depth of character and newfound practical leadership skills. Thank you for your contribution to your students' leadership adventure. I know that they appreciate the role you have played in providing them with this opportunity. Please consider nominating other young scholars so that they too may experience all that JrNYLC has to offer!

Sincerely, Marguerite C. Regan, Ph.D. Dean of Academic Affairs

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