Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 4 at JrNYLC: Voices of Courage

Dear Mr. Mitchell,

Today, your students continued their investigation of Washington, D.C.'s rich history with an exploration of some of our most important historical monuments, including the Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Afterwards, they were then able to visit the re-opened National Portrait Gallery, which houses nearly 20,000 works of art featuring men and women who have made significant contributions to the history, development and culture of the United States. The scholars also stopped for a photo opportunity at the White House. At each of these sites, your students learned how leaders use their "voice" to take a stand and make a difference. In the evening, they worked with their LFG members to create a social organization to serve as their own "voice of courage" for a special topic that impacts local communities. This final project tasked your students with using the new leadership skills they have developed at JrNYLC this week. Be sure to check in with them to hear about their LFG's project! To view a photo slideshow of today's activities, please visit

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