Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Mission Possible" Writing Assignment

TODAY AT 8:30 am: Students in grades K-5 are working on their writing skills for our new "Mission Possible." Each month a day is chosen randomly and a topic is given - today's was read to the students by Miss Lizzie Swiersz, winner of the January writing assignment. When the time comes, Mr. Mitchell asks the students to put all their work to the side, watch the announcement on the TV (To the "Mission Impossible" theme), and then they have 45 minutes to organize their thoughts and write their assignment. From grade level to grade level, teachers are working with our students to help improve on their story writing/expository/essay writing skills.  

The students with the best papers from each class in January were:

K –K- Arden Wheeler

1st grade – Jackson Miller

2nd – Jessica Purves

3rd –Drew Keller

4th – Lizzie Swiersz

5th - Aidan Bennett

Today's assignment was: We all have games that we enjoy playing. Before you write, think about one particular game that you enjoy playing. Now explain why you enjoy playing that particular game.


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