Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Miss Shrader's Reading Challenge

Many thanks to Miss Shrader, our librarian, for inspiring and challenging our students in 2nd and 3rd grade to read during the 3rd quarter:

During the third quarter, the second and third grade students were challenged by Miss Shrader to (as individual classes) read more AR books and get more AR points than she did all by herself. The contest began the first day of the quarter, January 17, and ended on the last day of the quarter, March 18, 2011.

The winners of the contest were announced this morning in a short ceremony. Here are the results.

Class overall point totals
4th place: 2A, 351.8 points –Each student in 2A earned a card for a free individual pizza at Dominoes, and a certificate.
3rd place: 2B, 387.1 points –Each student in 2B earned a card for a free individual pizza at Dominoes, and a certificate.
2nd place: Miss Shrader, 485.0 points –Received the satisfaction of knowing she tried her hardest to win, but didn’t.
1st place: 3rd grade, 491.1 points –Each student in the third grade earned $5 and a certificate.

Average Points Per Student
3rd place: 3rd grade, 20.3 avg. points per student
2nd place: 2B, 27.0 avg. points per student
1st place: 2A, 28.2 avg. points per student –Each student in 2A earned $5 for their efforts.

Most Quizzes Taken/Passed –Each of these students received $5 and a certificate for their efforts.
3rd place: 62/60, Reagan Mulligan
2nd place: 65/65, Michael Bryant
1st place: 79/79, Jackson Sims

Highest Percent Correct on Quizzes Taken –Each of these students received $5 and a certificate for their efforts.
3rd place: 95.8%, Eva Xioutas
2nd place: 96.8%, Laura Gequelin
1st place: 97.1%, Erin Reeves

Most Individual Points–Each of these students received $5 and a certificate for their efforts.
3rd place: 41.4 points, Jackson Sims
2nd place: 49.7 points, Gabrielle Massaro
1st place: 57.7 points, Leyton Harrington

Congratulations to all of the students for all of their hard work and effort!

Miss Jay Shrader
Library Media Specialist

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