Friday, March 18, 2011

March MATH Madness and Math Olympics!

Fort Myers Christian School students in grades 2nd – 8th participated in March Math Madness Week! Activities included: a morning math madness minute pep rally for grades 2-5; extensive work in the Accelerated Math program with goals, prizes and incentives; "Pi day" in grades 6-8 on March 14 (a.k.a. 3.14) with pie to eat; the opportunity to have their name placed on the Accelerated Math Wall of Fame; the fifth grade hosting math activity centers in their room on Friday; and the week concluded with students representing the school at the ACSI Math Olympics held at Southwest Florida Christian Academy. Congratulations to the following students who placed in the competition: Math Reasoning – Elizabeth Swiersz (2nd place, 3rd grade), Joshua Benzon (5th place, 3rd grade), Cole Ames (4th place, 4th grade) and Lauren Hearn (5th place, grade 5);  Math Computation – Laura Gequelin (3rd place, grade 3), Rillie Furdell (5th place, grade 3), Alex Bryant (4th place, grade 4), Morgan Tyson (5th place, grade 5), Austin O’Grosky (5th place, 6th grade), Elijah Benzon (2nd place, 7th grade) and Taylor Lowry (5th place, 8th grade). I want to thank the teachers for a great week! We also want to thank the 5th graders for using their leadership skills hosting the math centers on Friday! (Thank you Mrs. Couch)

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