Monday, March 7, 2011

Kingdom Assignment Update 2011

THANK YOU! AS OF 3/6/11, we have $4,651.80 turned back to the school for the 2011 Kingdom Assignment! It has been seven years since we first started the February Kingdom Assignment journey.

In June of 2009, we were blessed to be one of several ministries highlighted in Anaheim at the Well Done Awards, The ceremony was hosted by the pastor and his wife who started the first Kingdom Assignment at the church in California and wrote a book – The Kingdom Assignment by Denny and Leesa Bellesi.

Our seven year total is: $50,756 (past seven years) + $4,651.80 (in 2011) = $55,407.80! THANK YOU for your help in providing more scholarship opportunities through the David Benton Scholarship Fund. !


- Doing extra chores around the house
- Sending out support letters asking for a donation with a return envelope
- Selling plants, homemade soup, leotards, books, bottles water, candy bars, popcorn, lemonade, cookies, cupcakes, earrings, homemade chocolate lollipops
- Donating clothes to a consignment shop
- Bike-A-Thon and swim-a-thon
- Cleaned houses, washed mailboxes, walking pets
- Matching donations

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