Saturday, January 29, 2011

Edison Regional Science Fair

Of the nine middle schoolers that entered the Edison Regional Science Fair, five of them received a ribbon – which means they will find out on February 2 at Alico Arena what place they finished and if they are moving on to the tate Science Fair! Over 420 middle and high school students in public and private schools entered the event that reached its 54th year.

The following students will now advance and will find out what place they finished at the awards ceremony Wednesday, February 2nd, at 7:00 in Alico Arena: 7th grader, Josh Harvey: “Can plants grow by different liquids?”; 7th grader, Tyler Williams: “Are fingerprint patterns inherited?”; 7th grader, Sarah Sweirsz: “Take Another Look”; 8th grader, Zach Liebetreu: “Can citrus peek be used to dissolve polystyrene?”; and 8th grader, Will Perri: “Trash to Gas”

More details at

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