Thursday, January 20, 2011

Congratulations Academic Standouts

About five years ago, Bishop Verot High School started the Father Hudgins Scholarship for incoming qualifying freshman. Eighth graders from FMCS, St. Andrews, St. Michaels, and St. Francis who scored in the 90th% overall or above in reading and/or math on their 7th grade SAT's qualify to take their scholarship test.

The test is the PSAT - as in the test juniors in high school will take!

On Wednesday, Verot met with four of our students who qualified: Arianna Bergmann, Remy Fenelus, Taylor Lowry and Robin Mitchell.

Students have to obtain a certain score on the reading, writing and math sections to qualify for a scholarship. If they score above a 50 in any one of the three areas, they will receive a $500 Verot Scholarship; two areas, $1000; and all three areas, $1500.

Congratulations to 8th graders:

- Robin Mitchell, Silver medalist, $1000 Verot Scholarship

Taylor Lowry, Bronze medalist, $500 Verot Scholarship

All of the scholars from the four schools will be honored at Verot's Open House Tuesday, January 25th at 7pm.

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