Sunday, December 12, 2010

Special Project in 2A

From Mrs. Jennings, 2A teacher: As part of our reading the curriculum, 2nd grade completed a unit on "People in our Community." The class was was divided into two co-operative learning groups. Day one individually the students had to write a list of what they personally thought makes up a good city. Day two: the groups had to come together to talk about why cities are different than living in the country and share which they would prefer to live in the city or the country. They then each had to read through their city list and the group had to pick one idea from each person and combine them in to a group paragraph titled, "What is in our City". Day Three: the groups had to re-read their story "People, People, Everywhere!" then lay out and design the city they wanted to make. Finally using various materials the group together had to build their cities.

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