Monday, May 3, 2010

Honor Society Inductions for Spring 2010

FMCS is honored to induct new members in the National Junior Honor Society and National Elementary Honor Society for the spring of 2010. The ceremony was held Thursday, April 29th in the Colonial Chapel with over 180 students, friends and family in attendance.

The National Elementary Honor Society, Josiah Chapter, is only in its second year and new members are: fourth graders - Jordan Bergman, Lauren Hearn, Christine Jennings, Molly Krieger, Madison Leatherman, Ethan Liebetre, Malyia Madden, Akmet Moran, Emma Ravish, Emily Reeves, Alyssa Snodgrass, Kendra Stonefield, Kristina Taylor, Austin Thomas, Morgan Tyson; Fifth graders - Celina Interbartolo , Dillon Martino, Cheyanne Miller, Rebecca Moran, Sierra Niles and Avery Praxaya. Their teacher-sponsor is Mrs. Robin Couch.

The National Junior Honor Society, the Ezra Chapter, inducted the following new members: Elijah Benzon, Andrew Crouch, Joshua Harriott, Joshua Harvey, Chastity Roark, Sarah Swiersz, Victoria Weller, Tyler Williams, Arianna Bergmann, Remy Fenelus, China Haisley and Josiah Vega. Their teacher-sponsor is Mrs. Jennifer Crouch.

This year, both groups have been active with activities that included raising money for muscular dystrophy, Susan B Komen Breast Cancer Fund, leadership academy class, sending care packages to soldiers, welcome packets for new students and picking up trash on the campus to do their part in keeping the campus clean.

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