Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Girls Bible Club Middle School

Back during first semester, many of our students attended the RED Student Leadership Conference at South Ft. Myers High School. The event was sponsored by Union Station, a united group of youth pastors from this area. Students were challenged to start a bible study at their school, and encouraged to pray for ways to make an impact for Christ ion their campus. . Seventh graders, Robin Mitchell and Mallory Dillon have been hosting an optional girls middle school bible study on Wednesdays during lunch time this year.

Today, their guest speaker was FMCS alumni (class of 2002), Arianne Hutcherson! It is great to see what God is doing in our alumni and how they are passing on the message of Christ! Thank you Arianne. Arianne and her husband, Will, are expecting their first baby very soon.

1 comment:

  1. A Girls Bible Club in a middle school setting can provide a valuable platform for female students to grow in their faith, develop friendships, and explore the teachings of the Bible. Christian schools can offer several benefits specifically tailored to girls. Christian school Winnipeg often focus on nurturing the spiritual growth of their students. Girls have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, study the Bible, engage in prayer and worship, and participate in spiritual activities that promote personal faith development.
