Monday, December 7, 2009

Twelve Days of Fitness????

"...My true love game to me,1 minute of sit-ups????" Only in Miss Issenmann's creative physical education classes as we lead up to Christmas! A seasonal way to stay fit:

Miss Izzy’s Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 1 minute of sit-ups
On the second day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 2 minutes of jumping jacks
On the third day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 3 minutes of running
On the fourth day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 4 minutes of freeze dance
On the fifth day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 5 minutes of stretching
On the sixth day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 6 leaps
On the seventh day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 7 push-ups
On the eighth day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 8 line jumps
On the ninth day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 9 crab push-ups
On the tenth day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 10 lunges
On the eleventh day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 11 wall squats
On twelfth day of fitness Miss Izzy gave to me 12 heel lifts

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