Monday, October 26, 2009

Students Back from Washington D.C.

Three Ft. Myers Christian School students recently returned from a life changing experience in Washington D.C. The Junior National Young Leaders Conference (JrNYLC) offers mature, high-achieving middle school students the opportunity to learn about leadership by studying the leaders of the past and by focusing on social advocacy to make a positive impact in their homes and communities. Through an examination of both different historical time periods and characteristics of leadership, students will gain a better understanding of what it takes to become an effective leader.

Middle schoolers Taylor Lowry, Tyler Williams, and Elijah Benzon joined hundreds of other students for the week. Each student shared their most memorable moments:

Taylor: “The leadership quality that helped me the most was respect because it taught me that I always need to be nice to everyone...My favorite part of the trip was meeting all of my new friends because we became really close."

Tyler: “Harper’s Ferry stood out the most to me because it has so much history behind it...This trip helped me because I learned about so many things it takes to be a leader.”

Elijah: “I was glad to be able to see and learn about famous buildings, monuments and artifacts in the Museum we visited. It is different to see them and know the history behind it...As a Christian, I am glad that my country has given me the chance to freely worship Jesus as my God."

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