Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Congratulations Miss Shrader and staff!

BREAKING News: The Walsworth Publishing Company has awarded the 2008-2009 Fort Myers Christian School yearbook staff one of the company's most distinguished awards.The 2009 edition of the FMCS "Talon" yearbook will be included in the Walsworth Publishing Company's Gallery of Excellence. The Gallery of Excellence is a national showcase of the best yearbooks published by Walsworth. Only a small percentage of the company's yearbooks receive this honor.

Walsworth company representatives use Gallery of Excellence yearbooks nationwide as high-quality examples, loaned to schools as idea generators, and are often displayed at regional, state, and national conventions and workshops. Gallery books are selected based on how well they provide thorough coverage of the school year with intriguing stories, superior photography and innovative design.

The yearbook also received a SUPERIOR rating overall! We have been blessed by Miss Jay Shrader and her work on the yearbook for many years. She has "retired" from that duty now and we pray for the right person to fill those shoes!

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