Sunday, March 15, 2009

MVP - Most Valuable Parent

MVP in sports stands for "Most Valuable Player" - at FMCS, it stands for "Most Valuable Parent."

This year we started our new Parent University set-up this year (it used to be called Parent-Teacher Fellowship). If I could name parents to a Parent University Hall of Fame, one of the first inductees would be Mrs. Kelly Richards. (Her son Brian is now in 8th grade at FMCS)

Over the past two years, she has been the "chairperson" to oversee the BoxTops collection/promotion and Used Uniform Sales.
Due to her hard work, and I am not alone in this, I will never look at a boxtop the same again. She has become the "Boxtop Queen" and helped raise money for the school. Most recently: the final submission of Box Tops for the 2008/2009 school year was sent this month. A check in the amount of $890.40 should arrive after April 15th. (Now we start collecting for next year.) THANK YOU STUDENTS AND PARENTS!
The last two years she has helped us raise: 07/08 - $3,089.17 and 08/09 - $2,805.20, for a two year total of $5,894.37!

But that's not all: Used uniform sales over the last two years: $4,321.00 this year and $5,535 last year for a total of $9856 raised for the school! She has also re-organized all the clothes, washed them, and created a great set-up on the west wing, first floor area for the store.
Mrs. Richards, ALL OF US AT FMCS would like to thank you for your commitment and dedication to our school, the children, parents and to Christian education.

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