Friday, March 6, 2009

ACSI Art Festival

Dear Parents and Students,

Once again we are participating in the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Florida Region Art Festival. On Wednesday, April 29, at Jupiter Christian School, works of art will be judged with each receiving a rating of superior, excellent or good. Each school is allowed two entries per classroom or a maximum of 36 entries with each grade and classroom represented. Once again this year, we were blessed to have a local artist review and select artwork to go to the festival. The artwork will be on display Friday, May 1, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Jupiter Christian School. Congratulations to the following students whose artwork will be sent this year for the festival judging.

Evan Johnson, 1st Grade
Emily Krieger, 1st Grade
Christina Walch, 1st Grade
Laura Gequelin, 1st Grade
Nicholas Sanabria, 2nd Grade
Ashley Turetzki, 2nd Grade
Payton Stockman, 2nd Grade
Elisabeth Woods, 2nd Grade
Morgan Tyson, 3rd Grade
Lauren Hearn, 3rd Grade
Celina Interbartolo, 4th Grade
Blair Colbert, 4th Grade
Daniella Andrade, 5th Grade
Jada Losauro, 5th Grade
Jared Horowitz, 6th Grade
Daniel Betzer, 6th Grade
Robert Rose, 7th Grade
Holly Branthoover, 7th Grade
Abigail King, 8th Grade

Great job everyone!

Sue Sinex
FMCS Art Teacher

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