Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fifth Grader Honored at City Hall!

Today at Fort Myers City Hall, fifth grader, Tyler Williams, was honored along with five other students as the February winners of the Fort Myers Police Department’s “Do The Right Thing” award. (Pictures below, Tyler and family at the awards; Tyler sitting in the mayor's chair in the hall chambers - a sign of the future?)

Congratulations to Tyler and his family. He was nominated by his teacher, Robin Couch. This is her nominating letter:

Dear Do the Right Thing Program,

Tyler Williams is a fifth grader at Fort Myers Christian School. He just celebrated his 11th birthday in November. He received some money as gifts from friends and relatives and discussed with his mom about sharing with others less fortunate. During the Thanksgiving holidays, Tyler’s Spanish teacher suffered a sudden stroke. The school has been praying for Mrs. Rivera as she struggles to breathe on her own and recover from this devastating event. Her family is missing work and staying at her bedside in ICU. Tyler has decided to give some of his birthday money to help the Rivera family during this holiday season.

The Rivera’s will face hospital bills and an uncertain future as Mrs. Rivera is still in Intensive Care. He plans to provide a meal for their family and give his money towards helping them during this difficult time. I feel that Tyler’s actions show exemplary behavior and a heart for others. I proudly would like to nominate him for Do The Right Thing.

Robin Couch
Fifth Grade Teacher

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