Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eighth Grade Missions Team Prepares for Trip

You can see from the above picture and the website slideshow that the 8th graders were clowning around on Saturday! Many thanks to Miss Rachel McLaughlin and our helpers for showing them how to apply their clown faces. Mrs. Mitchell did another great job leading them through the practices on their skits! Miss McLaughlin remarked on how well this group did today compared to others.

The team will be going to Corpus Christi, Texas this year to minister to children and adults and work with a new church plant to draw the people to that church. The trip is April 1-7, 2009.

It is heart-breaking to see the violence that is taking place in Juarez, Mexico where we have been ministering since 1991. We ask you to pray - I have the feeling that you will be hearing more about what is happening there in the future because it is spilling into the US.
You can follow the team further at

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