Friday, December 26, 2008

A Message From Mrs. Rivera's Family

Mr. Mitchell,

Here are the pictures of the student's cards and letters hung up in her room. I would like to thank FMCS for their support during these tough times. Although the doctor’s say that we have a long recovery time ahead of us, I believe that God is going to continue surprising us with his healing power and love. Thanks for all of the dinners and for taking time out of your busy lives to prepare them. It shows that the people that work for FMCS were handpicked by God himself. It has been a blessing to be reminded once more that my mom works with such awesome people. Please continue to pray for quick recovery of my mom’s right side and for her speech. (What would she do without being able to talk and brag about her children.) LOL
Well, thanks once again. I know that one day you will all be able to see the miracle that God has been performing in my mom’s life.

With love,

Dianira Rivera (Her daughter)

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