Friday, December 26, 2008

A Message From Mrs. Rivera's Family

Mr. Mitchell,

Here are the pictures of the student's cards and letters hung up in her room. I would like to thank FMCS for their support during these tough times. Although the doctor’s say that we have a long recovery time ahead of us, I believe that God is going to continue surprising us with his healing power and love. Thanks for all of the dinners and for taking time out of your busy lives to prepare them. It shows that the people that work for FMCS were handpicked by God himself. It has been a blessing to be reminded once more that my mom works with such awesome people. Please continue to pray for quick recovery of my mom’s right side and for her speech. (What would she do without being able to talk and brag about her children.) LOL
Well, thanks once again. I know that one day you will all be able to see the miracle that God has been performing in my mom’s life.

With love,

Dianira Rivera (Her daughter)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Third grade takes gifts to WAY-FM

The third grade works and encourages Christian radio, WAY-FM. Christmas gifts were brought in to be provided for the station's annual toy drive! Thank you parents and families for your donations to make a difference during a very tough year for families.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Preschool Christmas Program

Many thanks to our teachers, aides, student aides and families for helping these students shine for Jesus!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

School History Made

School history made: For the first time, your chapel offerings are helping support a former FMCS graduate who is on the mission field - Mr. Nolan Tarantino (shown in the picture, white shirt, front row, middle). THANK YOU! Check out the video

Friday, December 12, 2008

Math Pals in Action

Math Pals (4th graders with pk3 students) went on a scavenger hunt that included shapes, colors, knowing the parts of the body and teamwork. They used the collection items of candies to decorate a gingerbread cookie.

-- Post From My iPhone

K Student Missions at Christmas

Many thanks to our teachers, parents and students who provide Christmas gifts for the Children's Home Society!

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Concert 08

Great job by Mrs. Gulbronson, students, teachers and volunteers! More pictures on our slideshow. (click on the slideshow to see all pictures)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Second Grade Art Projects

Come in and see them on the second floor of the Children's Center

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, December 7, 2008

7th Grade Field Trip!

The seventh grade, in order to study medieval times, visited Medieval Times with their teacher, Mrs. Mitchell!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Preschoolers Have Computer Time

I had the opportunity to peak in on the pk4 class during computer time!
-- Post From My iPhone

Thank you for your support!

The Parent University Christmas store was a great success - $3460.81! Thank you to Mrs. Tyson and ALL of our volunteers! Here is a list of my wonderful helpers and I've also designated those that donated items as well.

Tracie & JJ Ames - Kay's Hallmark Store - donations

Donations and volunteer:
Catherine Coval
Rita Lavorgna
Rita Masarro
Susan Stockman
Denise McLaughlin - Wrap room organizer
Tina Willimas
Kristin Zullo
Jennifer Reeves
Aimee Kline

Sarah Criswell
Lisa Vanzanten
Amanda Manwell
Lanie Benzon
Dana Barfield
Tonya Gerdt
Carey Chester
Angie Glynn
Mary Royal
Kelly Smith
Stacey Goguen
Courtney Wunderlich
Kristi Lauer
Michelle Palmer

-- Post From My iPhone

Basketball Season Tips-Off

Check the schedule and come out and support the Eagles!
-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, December 1, 2008

Parent University Christmas Store

The store opens Tuesday and runs through Thursday - opening at 8:15 am. All grades will get a chance to walk through and shop - parents and grandparents are welcome to join us. For the latest list of items, click here. Great job by Vicky Tyson and volunteers!