Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dear FMCS Parents,

I would like to share a letter that I received today. As the school has stated in its correspondence over the past few months, the economy has been tough on all of us and First Assembly of God is no exception. Please read this letter that Pastor Finger sent to our School Board today and I will comment at the end:

Dear FMCS School Board,

I hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday afternoon. I regret to inform you that the church has let me go from my position due to finances effective immediately. It has been a pleasure working for and with all of you. I have grown to love the school and all of the people in leadership. I want to especially thank my secretary Colleen Marinello for the past several years of loyal and faithful service. The school is a better place because of her. In addition I want to thank Mel Mitchell. This school is blessed to have a man with integrity, intelligence and leadership abilities.

My time at FAOG and FMCS has been great. Many ups and downs but never an ounce of regret! Thank you to Pastor Betzer, Pastor Liebe and church council for giving me a ministry position when no one else did.

The school faces some challenges in the future however I believe it will again be the premier Christian School in all of Lee County. I do not know what the future holds for me and my family. Right now I am concentrating on the birth of our second child any day. God is good!

I will be in touch as I do not have another church or ministry position lined up but God is faithful and we will be alright. Take care and may God bless all of you, your families and this great school.

Brian Finger

I want to thank Pastor Finger for all of his time and commitment to FMCS. When the church made a change in his responsibilities over a year ago, it was not in his original job description to oversee the business activities of FMCS. I can proudly say that Pastor Finger took the responsibility and jumped right in 100%! He has been working very hard to try to make FMCS one of the best schools in the area. The positive results of his work will be seen in the months to come. We pray for a blessing for his family and for the Lord to open a door for him and his family as they move on from here. In the months to come, the church will help us regroup with our current staff and personnel. We would ask for your prayers there also.

Mel Mitchell

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