Monday, October 27, 2008

Washington DC Kids, Day Three

Day 3 at JrNYLC: Voices of Struggle

Dear Mr. Mitchell,

Today, your students traveled to Harpers Ferry, which is located at the junction of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers. Now considered a national park, this beautiful area was the site of abolitionist John Brown's daring, and ultimately unsuccessful, raid on a federal armory in 1859. Along with park rangers dressed in historical garb, the scholars engaged in a variety of simulations that mimicked life in the United States during the years leading up to the Civil War. They scrubbed laundry on a wash board, participated in military drills and learned some fun folk dances. Your students also examined Brown's life story and discussed his leadership characteristics. Following that, they studied the challenges Brown faced and then debated his actions.To view a photo slideshow of your students at Harpers Ferry, please visit,59f2,ebm,5jrl,5eic,7xq9,ef1s.

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