Monday, October 20, 2008

Special Praise Report

Dear parents,

One quarter down and three to go. Sorry, but ever since I was five years old and started school, I have lived by a school calendar - I don't know any different. My blog is filled with the "good news" of what God is doing in our school so far this year. Thank you for helping us get off to a great start.

One praise report that I would like to bring to your attention is the story of our Public Relations Director, Mr. John Ryba. Several years ago, Mr. Ryba showed up here and interviewed to be a substitute teacher for us. He came all the way up from Naples, shared his heart, his past teaching experiences, and love for the kids. I remember his first day - I went to see how he was doing in the 5th/6th grade classes. The kids were changing classes, leaving the room talking about how "cool" he was - quite a compliment from middle school boys! His wife had remarked to him how "different" he was when he would come home from subbing at our school compared to other schools. As many of you know, the opportunity came up for him to teach 5/6 grade history full-time last year and he would tell you that it was a "wonderful experience." However, back in May when our enrollment was low and we had to make changes in our faculty for 08-09, I had to talk with him about the school not having a teaching position for him unless the enrollment increased. Immediately, as the saying goes, "some people, when dealt a lemon in life either get sour or they make lemonade." Mr. Ryba talked to me about the need we had for more public relations, getting our name out into the community, and letting people know about the great things that are going on at FMCS.

Over the summer he presented a proposal for our school board that was an answer to prayer. I want you to know that Mr. Ryba does not have a salary position at FMCS. We help him with gas money from Naples - yes, he comes all the way up from Naples and does not get a salary. Right now, with business budgets EVERYWHERE being tight, you can imagine what an answer to prayer this really is! Mr. Ryba's desire, and our desire, is to increase the community's awareness of FMCS so that we can build enrollment back to the 300-400 students we had several years ago. (We do have a modest incentive built into his contract if he can help us build up the enrollment - I would think he deserves it.) He has been attending area business events, meetings, parent groups, meeting with our parents, placing information in the newspapers, working on commercials, talking with local businesses, potential families that could enroll, etc. Mr. John Ryba believes in what the Lord is doing at FMCS!

What a great testimony! I want you to know this was Pastor Finger and my idea to send this out, and I appreciate Mr. Ryba allowing me to do that. We understood from the wonderful rumor mill (that I pray would not exist), has spread a statement that his salary cost some teachers their jobs - I guess I just shot that one down. I would ask you to please feel free to talk with Pastor Finger or myself when you have those question or concerns.

If anything, Mr. Ryba is working so that we can have more students here to help us create more jobs for teachers and support staff to look after all the new students we will have! Mr. Ryba is blessed by his wonderful wife Peggy and they are known in Naples for the Ryba Team. (real estate - If you would like to assist him in anyway or connect him with people that could help our school, please call him at 939-4642.

God Bless,

Mel Mitchell

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