Friday, October 10, 2008

Salvation Army Ceremony

Many thanks to the Salvation Army for honoring schools today for over 97,000 items turned in by 72 area schools. Thank you to our first grade for a great missions outreach and for all of you that were able to participate! Also a excellent job by first graders: Kaitlyn Nicolosi, Evan Johnston, and Erin Reeves (see below) - and their moms for coming today and leading this drive.

Thank you for 3606 items! 14.1 items per student-A SCHOOL RECORD! FMCS IS ONCE AGAIN - FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW - the number one giving private school!They had a total of 737 cans which averaged out to 30.7 cans per student. WAY TO GO SEVENTH GRADERS AND PARENTS!

-- Post From My iPhone

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