Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 2 at JrNYLC: Voices of Freedom

Dear Mr. Mitchell, It has been a busy day! Your students and the other scholars started their educational journey in Washington, D.C. by experiencing five centuries of news at the high-tech Newseum. Here, they learned about the history of the news and the role it plays in our society, while exploring hands-on exhibits and up-to-the-second technology. In the afternoon, they went on a walking exploration of our country's legislative branch on Capitol Hill.In the evening, the scholars re-convened with their LFG to engage in a First Amendment simulation. In this fictional scenario, your students took one of two sides in preparation for an impending debate. They had the option of either supporting the right of students to wear "peace patches" in school or advocating for increased community policing against the distraction that the patches would cause. Employing their communication skills, the scholars debated and negotiated with their fellow scholars, citing relevant support for their side. Be sure to ask each of your students which side they took!

To view a photo slideshow from the second day of JrNYLC, please visit

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