Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Auction Items 2008

Look to the slideshow to the right! These are just a few of the AWESOME BASKETS that our room moms have created for the Silent/Live Auction for October 10th at the Annual Banquet. Get your tickets now!

Many thanks to Mrs. Susan Rollings, Mrs. Sheryl Hinton and these moms:

Teri Reynolds
Tina Williams
Kristin Zullo
Tonya Gerdt
Annalisa Xioutas
Kelly Nicolosi
Lisa Vanzanten
Stacy Goguen
Catherine Covall
Jennifer Reeves
Courtney Wunderlich
Nadine Harriott
Paula Dillon
Wendy Fulton
Annmarie Schafe

Here is the link for a list of the remainder of those items that will be auctioned off that evening!

GREAT JOB PARENT UNIVERSITY, our parents and local businesses!!!!

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