Saturday, September 27, 2008

Giving Thanks!

It is another one of the those times when a principal is thankful for where he works:

- Millions of years ago..."- NOT! Thank you for a great Creation Science Weekend! I want to thank Eric Hovind, Pastor Finger, Colleen Marinello, Parent University, First Assembly of God, Masters Commission, NJHS, the 8th grade missions team, parents, students, guests and all who attended! What incredible information that we can learn to be lights to the world. Those who attended, PLEASE email your feedback on the event or comment here on my blog.

- Our new Parent University t-shirts went on sale this past weekend at $10 each. You can purchase shirts at the next cafe on October 6th, and the Annual Banquet/Silent Auction on October 10th.

- I want to thank our first grade parents and families for taking us through the last two weeks of heading up the Salvation Army Can Food Drive. I also want to thank our very generous families who have turned in 3313 items! Our per student average from last year has already been surpassed this year - 12.99 items per student!

Thank you!


  1. Hi Mr. Mitchell,
    Thank you so much for arranging this wonderful experience. Truly amazing information and after attending this exceptional seminar, there is no doubt that our beautiful world and everything and everyone was CREATED BY OUR LORD! Implementing this information into our Christian education with visual graphs and timelines would be great to illistrate and explain to our kids throughout their education at FMCS so they are exposed to the facts and truth of creation vs evolution at a young age. Thanks again!

  2. The Creation Weekend was fabulous. Everyone that attended the program had to be moved in the direction of The Lord. Eric Hovind is doing a wonderful job spreading the word of God.

    You and the everyone else at FMCS rock.

    Brandon, Anne and Robert Rose

  3. Mel, I thought it was great...I knew I would enjoy it, but think it was good for the whole family. Thanks for what you do for all these wonderful young people.

  4. I was encouraged to see 3 of my students there. We just finished our chapter on Creation/Evolution, Fossils and Dinosaurs. The test was last week. It was cool how Eric Hovind reinforced my Science lesson. Great weekend! thanks!

  5. I thought it was great!! Not only did I learn a lot of new information but it was also a wonderful reminder of how awesome our God is!

  6. It was a very good seminar and well worth the time. Mike it enjoyed it very much and was glad that he came.
