Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Caution: Life Changing Event!

Thank you for the great turnout at Open House last night!

Maybe a reminder for some, but news for others:

CREATION SCIENCE WEEKEND – SEPTEMBER 26, 27 (see the video on my blog if you missed it)

This Parent University event is the biggest event of the year for us because we are inviting the whole southwest Florida area.

In our offices we have posters and promotional tickets – PLEASE PICK THEM UP AND SPREAD THE WORD!

These are for people to pick-up that have:
- Churches (Pastors we need your help; church-goers please help us)
- Businesses
- Go to high schools
- Go to universities
- Go to offices
- Go anywhere outside of your home!

We want to see many people attend and become stronger in learning about God’s role in creation! If you struggle with those conversation about evolution with someone, ATTEND THIS EVENT! Better yet, bring those people with you!

Tickets are on sale for $15 in the front office OR they can be purchased online – it is SO EASY!

Parent University is doing this event:
1) To help people come that do not have children at FMCS - they can hear about the school over the weekend, and they may become interested for now or next year!
2) As a fundraiser – maybe we can do these each year and we would not have to do any more sales!!!!
3) To help us become stronger parents and young people when it comes to this issue! Our students, high school students, college students and adults need to understand this controversial topic in our culture so that we can CHANGE THE CULTURE THAT TELLS PEOPLE THAT GOD HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH CREATION! Lives will be changed that weekend!

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