Saturday, August 9, 2008

Alumni Praise

Friday was a great day for receiving praise reports! Our missions statement concludes with our goal of leading our students to be "productive citizens in society and impact others for Jesus Christ." At school, I found out from our music teacher, Mrs. Gulbronson, that three of her 8th graders from last year had successful singing auditions at their new high schools - Kaysee Donathan at Ft. Myers High, Megan Bowen at Cypress Lake and Katie Edwards at North Ft. Myers High School!

When I came home, I had two letters in the mail with updates from two of our alumni and their their life-changing summer mission trips: Josh Comer's missions trip to Peru and Jeff Richter's trip to Zambia, Africa!

We are very proud of these young people and happy that FMCS had a chance to be a part of their lives.

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