Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mexico - Morning, April 10

It will be easier for me to update this page every day as long as we have the internet connection. It is 1o:30 am our time (12:30 yours) and we are preparing for our first service! Pray for us - calm winds, health, safety, and open hearts of the people of Mexico! Everyone is doing very well! Thank you!


  1. Hi from Kaysee, Jade, Linda, Sarah, Hunter, Dewey, Mrs. Hambsch, and Mrs. Crouch!! We love the picture and we miss you terrribly!! Be safe and have fun with your clown silly for us!!!

    Alexus - don't forget to buy Kaysee something. Rachelle - Linda wants a little "somein/somein" *wink wink*

    The bell is about to ring - we must go!!! TTYL....that's text for Talk to ya later!!!! HA!
    Love and hugs!!!!

  2. Mrs. Weeks' 5B class says hello. We are all praying for you and praising God for the wonderful things he's doing in your lives! Thanks for the picture and looking forward to more!

  3. Thanks for responding! We are dealing with a bad modem here with the computer so we will keep trying to update as much as we can when it works!

  4. hey y'all Kaysee here! I'm obviously apart of the "left behind". lol (laugh out loud) i miss all u guys sooooo much!!!! i love all the pictures and I'm super proud of those who did their testimony!

    Oh, and as soon as y'all get back text or call me!! Please!

    I MISS Y'ALL!!! *hugs*
