Saturday, March 8, 2008

Praise from a Parent

Mr. Mitchell, I wanted to email you about some good things happening. To often we look at the negative. But I want to stress the positive. At Fort Myers Christian School. last week when the school lost its power, I went to pick up Emma. We had to leave her wheelchair upstairs as the elevator was not working. When she went outside Jeff Hoffman saw her struggling across the sidewalk. He immediately took some of his men, went upstairs, and they carried her electric chair down the stairs for Emma to take home. Another time these men had to lift it into the van as the lift did not work. To me this was incredible that they would even offer to do this. Jeff Hoffman and his group truly needs to know how blessed we are to have them iinvolved in our lives at church and at school. I am almost positive this would not have happened in a non- Christian environment. We are so blessed to be a part of FMCS and First Assembly. God Bless Annie Ravish

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