Friday, March 30, 2012

The Metric Olympics

Fourth grade is currently involved in the "Metric Olympics" project - events filled with measuring and estimating! (years of training now come to this...)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Erin Reeves and the Math Olympians

Congratulations to all of our Math Olympians involved in the ACSI Math Olympics on March 23, 1012. We want to especially highlight all of our students who placed in this competition:

3rd Grade:  Michael Bryant, 2nd place Reasoning, Drew Keller, 5th place Computation 
4th Grade:  Joshua Benzon, 5th place Computation, Erin Reeves, 1st place Reasoning,                  McKenzie Miller, 4th place Reasoning, Lizzie Swiersz, 5th place, Reasoning

5th Grade:  Alex Bryant, 5th place, Reasoning 
6th Grade:  Patrick Pereira, 4th pace Computation 
8th Grade:  Elijah Benson, 2nd place Computation

Many thanks to Mrs. Sanders and Mr. Blikstad for all their hard work. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Missionaries Return

Our eighth grade missionaries have returned from Texas and returned to the elementary class that prayed for them. Each student had a chance to try to put into words their missions experience.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jon Pritikin

Many thanks to Jon Pritikin for sharing his strength and testimony today with middle schoolers in chapel. He will be in the elementary tomorrow at 8:45.
For more information, go to

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March Math Madness

March Math Madness is in full swing on the second floor of the elementary!

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Mission Possible for March

Students in elementary had their surprise writing assignment for March today. We are very proud of our February winners - BEST WORK SO FAR:

K - Gabriella Pereira
1 - Jackson Miller
2nd - Austin Michalek
3rd - Drew Keller
4th - Annaliese VanZanten
5th - Hannah Upton

Today students wrote about their favorite season:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Technology Integration

PK4A students working in the computer lab!

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Bragging Rights

From news passed on to me, a busy weekend for many of our FMCS students:

1) Sunday's Fort Myers Newspress ran article about the Lee County Fair and third grader, Ryder Naylor, was featured. Ryder came in 3rd place overall in his class. Also congratulations to fifth grader, Jaynie Parker, who also competed at the Fair and had many first place awards with her prize wining steer and she came in third place overall in her division.

2) Lleyton Taylor, fifth grade, won 2nd at the Florida State Rookie Wrestling Championship in his weight class.

3) Tina Taylor and Madi Leatherman's volleyball team won the bronze bracket with their travel, Southwest Sunset Volleyball Club.   


Friday, March 2, 2012

Second Grade - Dr. Seuss Party

Second grade is having a great time with their wacky Dr. Seuss birthday party!