Saturday, October 30, 2010

Missions Team Car Wash

Thanks to all of you for a great turnout to support the 8th missions team today! We thank the Lord for awesome weather,a great team, and $857 raised!

-- Posted From My iPhone

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Accelerated Math Wall of Fame 2010-11

Mr. Mitchell has posted his "Accelerated Math Wall of Fame 2010-11" on the back wall of the second floor of the Children's Center. The more objectives a student accomplishes in Accelerated Math, the closer they will get to having their name written on a pennant for the wall. This is the way it works:

White pennant - 50 objectives mastered
Blue pennant - 75 objectives mastered
Red pennant - 100 objectives mastered or more

We are thankful that Parent University provided this program a couple of years ago for our 2nd thru 8th graders. We are looking forward to more pennants going up during the year and for the wall to fill-up!

Our first three this year:
- Meghan Kline (currently at 63 mastered)
- Alexander Coval (59 mastered)
- Cole Ames (50 mastered)

Thank you teachers and parents for motivating your students!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

NJHS Fall Induction

Congratulations to Jarod Horowitz and Jada LoSauro for their induction to the National Junior Honor Society of FMCS! The ceremony was held to day in the Colonial Chapel.

Current NJHS Group 

New members Jada and Jarod 

President Mallory Dillon address audience

Games 2 U Party

Thirty-seven students in grades K-5 enjoyed a Games 2 U party today! Those students sold 10 or more items during the Abundant Funds school fundraiser. They had a great time with two hours out of class, games on the inside of the truck, games on the outside of the truck, and laser tag. Thanks to Parent University for providing this prize.

Art Teacher For A Day

Many thanks to Mrs. Sinex for offering the "art teacher for a day" prize at the auction. Today's art "teachers" are Alexandra and Nicky Chlumsky!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Treats for Treatments

Last week, the National Junior Honor Society brought in baked good and held sales to raise money for the "Susan G Komen for the Cure" - the fight against breast cancer. Thank you to everyone that helped them raise $275.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Miss McLaughlin is now Mrs Tuma

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tuma on their wedding today!

-- Posted From My iPhone

Friday, October 22, 2010

We Have A Winner!

The winner from the Ident-A-Kid drawing today: Ashley Buckley, kindergarten!

Reading Buddies Friday!

Scenes from the great program of 5th graders partnering with K students - "reading buddies"! Fifth graders read with the students and help them with their AR tests.

Accelerated Reader - First Quarter

Parties this week for all those who reached their goals for first quarter! MANY THANKS to all the volunteer moms for all they do to help make this program a success. Great ice cream parties this week!

Alanna Dukas 150 points!


Ashley Buckley
Elizabeth Dela Rosa
Jackson Miller
Jacob Moran
Reilly Mulligan
Chase Neville
Jaden Sims

Michael Carter
Nicholas Chlumsky
Haven Harrington
Ezekiel Johnson
Jason Kitzinger
Austin Michalek
Jessica Purves
Elyse Ranck
Dejalyse Torres
Carson Williams
Drew Zullo

2 A
Evan Ames
DeAngelo DiBella
Isabel Gequelin
Addison Goguen
Drew Keller
Kayla Manwell
Gabrielle Massaro
Max Maupin
Reagan Mulligan
India Nataro
Will Wittenborn
Eva Xioutas

Annika Aldana
Michael Bryant
Landon Howard
Maddie Kline
Kelsie Lauer
Serenity Mathews
Ryder Naylor
Kyle Palmer
Riley Simmons
Jackson Sims
Annelisa Swiersz
Madelyn Thomas

Owen Caple
Rilie Furdell
Laura Gequelin
Leyton Harrington
Katelyn Lindsey
McKenzie Miller
Joseph Moran
Kaitlyn Nicolosi
Nicholas Norys
Erin Reeves
Elizabeth Swiersz
Annalisse VanZanten

Cole Ames
Lucas Bell
Aidan Bennett
Stephanie Blum
Alex Bryant
Alexandra Chlumsky
Kiersten Comer
Alexander Coval
Alexander Crouch
Alanna Dukas 150 points!
Sam Goguen
Will Keller
Meghan Kline
Courtney Simmons
Rachael Sparks
Payton Stockman
Hannah Upton
Robby Westendorf
Elisabeth Woods

Jordan Bergmann
Lauren Hearn
Christine Jennings
Ethan Liebetreu
Madison Lindsey
Malyia Madden 101 points!
Akhmet Moran
Patrick Pereira
Emma Rose Ravish
Emily Reeves
Mackenzie Roark
Candis Schuman
Kendra Stonefield
Morgan Tyson

Keeping Our Kids Safe

Today is Ident-A-Kid Friday! We work with the Ident-a-Kid program to provide I'D cards with complete information for parents, school and law enforcement officials in case of emergency.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Locker Rooms Coming Right Along

Today, laying the tile! You can also get a glimpse of the old wall before they completely get ready to do the new walls.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Junior National Young Leaders Conference

Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washigton DC

The Junior National Young Leaders Conference (JrNYLC) helps scholars develop and sharpen their leadership skills by examining the leaders of the past and empowering them to make a positive social impact in their community and the world.

Geared toward looking at leadership through a practical, everyday lens, JrNYLC incorporates a detailed examination of eight leadership traits and focuses on leaders in American history and social advocacy. Distinctive site experiences, hands-on exercises and workshops bring these concepts to life, while students work together to develop action plans that affect change within their homes and communities

Taken from

Two of our students: 6th grader, Austin O'Grosky and 7th grader, Sarah Swiersz are attending this week and tkaing advatage of this great opportunity! 

(Sarah is bottom row, 2nd from the left)

(Austin is 2nd from the left)

Monday, October 18, 2010

First Quarter Is Over Party

Thanks to all of you that made it out to our Chuck E Cheese Night!

Posted From My iPhone

Friday, October 15, 2010

Special Class Projects

In kindergarten, vegetable soup and alphabet soup!

Bible stories from first grade!

Posted From My iPhone

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Anti-Drug Presentation

Specialist Bryant from the Florida Army National Guard's Counter Drug Demand Program gave a presentation to our middle school students today about gateway drugs and their dangers. Their presentation is being given to schools across Florida.

Posted From My iPhone

Monday, October 11, 2010

7th Grade Mission 25:40 and former "Full House" Star

Candace Cameron, now Candace Cameron Bure, formerly the character of D.J. Tanner from the TV show, Full House, responded back from letters of encouragement from our 7th graders after they watched her 700 Club testimony:

Hi Mr. Mitchell and the 7th grade class at Fort Meyers Christian School!

I wanted to personally thank each and every one of you for the special letters of encouragement you wrote to me. I'm thrilled to know you were able to watch my segment on the 700 Club and that it inspired many of you.

I too have a 7th grader of my own, my daughter Natasha. Middle School, can be a trying time and I'm excited to know that you're all getting your education founded upon our Lord Jesus Christ. He is our everything! No matter how good or how bad things seem to be, just remember that God is on your side when you're obedient to Him.

Many blessings to you all- and thanks again for taking the time to write to me!

In Christ,


Missions and Art

Great job on the second floor of the Children's Center by our students and Mrs. Sinex: a celebration of Mission 25:40.

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We Had A Great Night

THANK YOU to everyone - and there are so many of you - who helped make the 2010 Auction and Banquet a success! More details later on the giving but everything looked great and we had over 350 people in attendance!

Posted From My iPhone

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Second Grade MIssion 25:40

The second grade was a blessing at the Senior Friendship Center! Thank you teachers (Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Harrington) for taking our young people out to make a difference.