Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Setting a Positive Example

The "flag" belongs the 4th grade! New this year, Mrs. Edwards is rewarding and recognizing classes that are exhibiting the best example of stewardship in the elementary lunch room each month. Classes receives stickers and points based on their behavior, clean up, taking good care of the lunch room and showing respect for the workers and the facilities. Mrs. Sander's fourth grade class is the first class to win - the spirit flag stays in their room and they are the defensing champs going into October. Thank you.

Auction Items with a Student's "Touch" (PK - 1st)

1st grade




Do you have your banquet/auction tickets?
Remember, prices double starting Monday - get them today!

Here are the SPECIAL ONE OF A KIND items that will be up for bids next Friday night, October 9th. Many thanks to Paint Misbehavin and Aimee Kline for all their help.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Word From Our Principal

Please watch this special annoucement regarding a current situation at FMCS:

ALSO - a reminder to get your banquet/auction tickets this week while they are $10!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Teacher Wedding!

You will no longer see Mrs. Gulbronson at FMCS - but you will see Mrs. Yorty!
Congratulations to Dorothy Gulbronson and Robert Yorty on their wedding at First Assembly West on Saturday! We look forward to see what the Lord will do in their family and to Mrs. Yorty coming back to work at the end of the week.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Apple Day

Apple Day, Johnny Appleseed, apple art, apple sauce, and apple games and more in grades 2-4.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Knights of Light

The FMCS chess club, which includes great bible lessons, meets every Wednesday after school!

-- Posted From My iPhone

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Academics and Athletics in Middle School

Science students enjoy using our NEW microscopes that we to the school!

Thanks to Mrs. Sinex for encouraging our athletes today as they prepare for games with ECS!

Posted From My iPhone

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Once a month, grades 2-4 enjoy Market Day! Students in tickets during the month for good behavior and special achievements. On Market Day they bring in treats, toys, stuffed animals - they use the tickets as "spending money" - and we have one giant flea market on Friday afternoon.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The RED Conference

Many thanks to area youth pasters for providing today's RED Conference at South Fort Myers High School. Hundreds of middle and high school students were challenged and trained to be leaders by Jay Strack and youth leaders.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mudpie Friday

Great job today by Mrs. Jean and PK3 making mudpies! Kids and dirt - go figure!

Alumni, Ashley Sprandel (now attending FGCU), gives Mrs. Jean's students a hand. Ashley is working towards her teaching degree.

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Last Day of the Book Fair

America Day was the theme for the last day of our book fair! Miss Shrader, librarian, reads to second grade during story time.

Posted From My iPhone

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Annual Banquet 2009

Fort Myers Christian School Annual Banquet is quickly approaching:
- Friday night
- October 9th
- Silent Auction starts at 6:00 pm
- Dinner and program begin at 6:30 pm
- Great food, live auction items, singing from our kids (K-5th), 30 years of memories, introduction of the David Benton Scholarship Fund.

Some of our main auction items so far: 42 inch plasma TV, $500 gift card Diamond District, $500 Gift Card Robb and Stucky, Hotel stays, 2 tickets to the Tampa Bay Bucs/ Carolina Panthers on 10/19, golf outings and MORE!



-- Posted From My iPhone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Accelerated Math

It's a Wednesday and Chriistian t-shirt dress down day! In third grade we move into year two of the Accelerated Math program .

-- Posted From My iPhone

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Brain Brigade After School

FMCS is happy to start a partnership with Jessica Hoeffsand Brain Brigade! The first sign-up has resulted on 19 students in grades 3-5 enjoying hands-on science experiments. Tuesday they made their hot air balloons and flew them outside.

-- Posted From My iPhone

Volleyball Victory

The JV won their first game last week vs. Providence. The varsity defeated SFCA yesterday to win their first game. Go Eagles!

-- Posted From My iPhone

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Symphony of Talent: Parent University

We had an EXCELLENT turnout tonight for our first evening Parent University meeting. Many great volunteers, many great opportunities to bless our school and children! For infomation on ways to get involved, contact us at

-- Posted From My iPhone

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Want My Mummy!

Sixth grade is studying Eygpt and mummys! No better way to learn than hands-on, creative opportunites in history class today.

A Highlight For Any Day

It is always a treat to read a special book to our new PK3 class!

-- Posted From My iPhone